Enhance Magazine | Page 9

member spotlight
You ’ ve got to constantly think that you ’ re still young .
to keep their weight below this marker . But keeping his weight in check is only half the ordeal . Staying within his weight class while maintaining muscle strength is the real goal , and Anthony works out throughout the year to do so . At 3 o ’ clock on any given afternoon , you ’ re likely to find Anthony on HAC ’ s fitness floor , but never following the same workout regimen . He makes a point to try different machines , utilize the free weight area , and exercise his body from every angle . As Anthony puts it , “ I lift according to how I feel . The idea is to surprise your body every time instead of doing the same routine .” Shaking up his workouts helps add interest and variety to every trip to the gym , all the while helping build strength for his competitions .
When Anthony is not training , he enjoys gardening bonsai trees and other outdoor activities . He rides his Sportster Harley Davidson in the warmer months , and he owns a salon located on Newport Gap Pike , where he has worked for the past 23 years . He has considered retirement , but the caring community of employees and clients at the salon are determined to keep him around for as long as possible . Anthony has been separated for the past eight years , and is looking for a partner to spend the rest of his life with .
Overall , Anthony is optimistic about his future in weightlifting . The passing of both of his parents within the past three years has taken a toll on him emotionally , but his confidence in his own longevity and strength only continues to grow . He doesn ’ t feel hindered by his age ; in fact , Anthony is only motivated to keep training as he ages , maintaining hopes of competing in deadlift , bench press , and press for reps events at age 100 and beyond . Anthony hopes that his dedication to health and fitness will inspire other adults to challenge themselves and their bodies just as he continues to do every day . With the growing number of seniors in the United States , he feels that the competition and expectations for physical fitness will only grow with it . “ You ’ ve got to constantly think that you ’ re still young ,” he encourages , stating that as long as there ’ s someone older than you out there , there will always be a reason to better yourself and set the bar that much higher .
His confidence in his own longevity and strength only continues to grow .
Anthony has racked up 18 medals since he started weightlifting in the Senior Olympics .
enhance magazine | MARCH 2017 9