Enhance Magazine | Page 52

did you know
How Dust Affects your Health
sum of all solid and liquid particles suspended in air … includ [ ing ] both organic and inorganic particles , such as dust , pollen , soot , smoke , and liquid droplets .”
Doug Brugge , professor of public health and community medicine at Tufts University , told their publication Tufts Now , “ when it comes to air pollution , the main thing that really affects people is particulates – not gases .”
The EPA also notes that research findings “ indicate that roadways generally influence air quality within a few hundred meters – about 500-600 feet downwind from the vicinity of heavily traveled roadways or along corridors with significant trucking traffic or rail activities .”
People who live near these areas are potentially exposed to a much higher level of vehicle emissions . Particulate can then enter a home ’ s atmosphere and become mixed with larger dust particles inside . The EPA estimated that in 2009 , more than 45 million people in the United States lived within 300 feet of a highway with 4 or more lanes , a railroad , or an airport .
Apply a no-shoes rule . Even with a door mat , shoes are responsible for tracking soil , bacteria , trace chemicals , fertilizers , pesticides , fecal matter and other undesirables into a home . Removing footwear in a mud room or directly by the door is a good way to prevent potentially harmful contaminants from being tracked around your home .
Clean your floors often , with the right machine . Even if you don ’ t have carpet – which can hold onto an untold amount of dust – cleaning your flooring on a regular basis is essential to cutting down the amount of dust in your home . Use a vacuum with a doublesealed HEPA filter to prevent contaminants from re-entering your indoor space . For hard floors , a damp mop can do wonders for removing dust and particles from your flooring .
Properly seal your windows and around openings . Particulate can enter through cracks in windows or other poorly-sealed areas . Sealing your doors , windows and other openings can help prevent extra debris from entering your home .
Use a damp cloth rather than a feather duster when it comes to actually removing dust from your home . A feather duster will simply disseminate the dust from a particular surface ; wiping surfaces with a slightly damp rag will collect the dust and debris , allowing it to be removed instead of simply relocated .
Easy on the chemicals . Anything you spray into the air – perfume , hairspray , cleaning agents , room fragrances – can become part of the dust in your home . Finding natural cleaning solutions can be not only a healthier option for your indoor air solutions , but also cheaper as well !
Invest in an air purifier . A high-quality air purifier can do a great job of removing
allergens , contaminants and pollutants from your indoor air . Find one designed to run 24 / 7 for maximum protection . Some also contain a technology that ’ s designed to actively clean the air and surfaces in your home .