Enhance Magazine | Page 42

did you know


During the winter months , many outdoor insect invaders spend much of the winter in sheltered locations under rocks , logs , under mulch , and in soil .
Spending the winter underneath insulated items or below the frost line in soil allows insects to survive cold temperatures . When the weather warms and spring showers begin , resulting in saturated soil , many of these pests are forced out of their hiding places in search of drier places to nest ( sometimes that ’ s our homes !).
by Dannis Warf , Associate Certified Entomologist ,
Royal Pest Solutions
Worker Termites
Ants are especially likely to enter homes following a heavy rain event . In addition to seeking higher ground , ants may be forced indoors to forage for food when the sweet secretions of honeydew producing insects like aphids and scale insects is washed way during heavy rain .
Most termites in a colony are worker termites . Workers are soft bodied , creamy-white in color and spend nearly all of their time inside the soil , enclosed in mud shelter tubes , or feeding inside wood . Worker termites easily dry out when exposed to sunlight and the drying effects of air .
The most visible sign of a termite infestation is the presence of flying termites , sometimes called swarmers . These darkbodied , winged termites emerge in large numbers in the spring , in search of mates to begin a new colony . Swarmer termites are dark in color with four wings of equal size and shape . When termites colonies swarm , hundreds or thousands of winged termites are released .
When this occurs indoors , the insects are often attracted to light sources , so homeowners may find piles of swarmers on windowsills or around other light sources . Soon after emergence , termite swarmers will break off their wings , so it isn ’ t uncommon to see piles of wings on windowsills or countertops . Nearly all termite swarmers will perish if they emerge inside a structure , but termites swarming inside indicates an underlying termite infestation that may not be visible . Contact a trained inspector to provide insight into the hidden infestation and provide a plan for eliminating termites from your home .
If you observe wasps in your home in the next few weeks , especially around windows and doors , you will see that they are most likely sluggish and even a bit disoriented .
The good news is that the wasp has no interest in harming you and just wants to find its way outside . The bad news is , this particular wasp is a queen that already mated
Carpet Beetle
in the fall and is looking to start a new colony , probably on or near your home .
Wasp nests are very common and pretty easy to identify . They are usually constructed on the underside of eaves , external air conditioners , structural corners , and window sills . Wasp nests are made from chewed wood pulp , plant matter and saliva and look like they were made from grey and brown paper . Wasps are capable of delivering a painful sting and should be regarded as dangerous . Again , we suggest you call a professional .
Pests that damage fabrics include clothes moths and carpet beetles , and occasionally silverfish , cockroaches , and crickets . Each prefers different kinds of fabrics , and many fabrics are attacked only if they are dirty .
Carpet beetles and clothes moths are the most common pests to cause fabric damage . These pests are especially fond of woolens , leather , and anything made of a natural animal product , especially if it is soiled with sweat , oils from your skin , food spills , etc . They also damage cotton and even some synthetic fabrics if they are soiled .
Carpet beetles and clothes moths breed in the nests of birds , bees , wasps , mice , rats , etc ., and from there may invade homes . They are also brought in on items like upholstered antique furniture , old rugs and various other fabrics , and sometimes in stored foods .
Another common source of carpet beetles is flowers . The adult beetles feed on pollen , and can be brought in on cut flowers . Carpet beetles and clothes moths may fly in through open doors and unscreened windows , too . When you take your spring clothes out of storage , or are doing spring cleaning , take some precautionary steps against these damaging pests :
• Air out and brush garments and area rugs in a sunny spot outdoors
• Vacuum up any lint buildup along baseboards , under furniture , and under sofa cushions .
• When you store woolens and other fabrics this spring , clean them first , and consider storing them in sealed , airtight containers with moth balls or flakes .
photos courtesy of National Pest Management Association / Tom Myers