Enhance Magazine | Page 28

fit tips


Warmer days are just around the corner ! Before we know it , we ’ ll be spending our time basking in the heat of the sun and barbecuing by the poolside . Soon enough , children will have their summer break ( man , it ’ s good to be a kid ). Although they get a break from school , they don ’ t have to discontinue their learning and growth !
When choosing a summer camp program for your child , make sure to meet with the staff to find the right fit . Your children should be involved in the decision-making process ; their time at summer camp is something that should allow them to enjoy themselves and explore their own interests .
Summer camps aren ’ t just about keeping kids occupied during their off days . Studies show that there are many benefits of attending summer camps . These benefits include :
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY – Summer camps are an excellent way to keep kids active during the summer . Exercise varies from sports , swimming , hiking , running , playing , and more .
CREATIVE EXPLORATION – By attending summer camps , children are often exposed to activities they might not typically do in school . For example , many camps incorporate arts and crafts into their regimens . At HAC , we offer a variety of camps that allow for creative exploration , such as Gameshow Mania and Art Around the World .
COMMUNITY OF FRIENDS – Summer camp is a great way for kids to enhance their social skills . Many campers are already friends from attending the same school , but they also get the opportunity to make friends with kids from other schools .
STRUCTURED ENVIRONMENT – For many children , summertime can be a big change in their daily groove . The lack of a structured routine has an impact on a child ’ s development . Having a normalized routine allows for children to feel safe and comforted . Since their typical routine of school is no longer present , children benefit from finding a similarly structured routine for growth and development in a summer camp .
INTERACTION WITH POSITIVE ROLE MODELS – Campers at HAC are surrounded by incredible counselors and are able to learn from them by observation . Our counselors teach children to be leaders with a positive attitude , no matter what is happening around them .
TEAMWORK SKILLS – Campers spend every day participating in group activities , whether athletic or creative . By learning to work with many different people , campers enhance their teamwork skills . They learn that working together is fun !
BUILING INDEPENDENCE – Although campers spend most of their time with other kids , camp is a great place for children to grow on an individual level . Through the daily activities at camp , children are able to make decisions without looking to parents or teachers for guidance , while still being under the leadership of counselors .
GAINING CONFIDENCE – There are countless opportunities for each camper to succeed at summer camp . Children are able to explore their talents and interests in a way that some school structures may not provide . The independence they gain builds self-confidence .
DISCOVERING AND EXPLORING TALENTS – Many children are unaware of their interests and talents outside of a school setting . By introducing children to unique programs only found in summer camps , kids are able to find different avenues of interest as well as new skills they wouldn ’ t have otherwise discovered !
MATURING – Camp provides children the environment to grow all around . Through these growths , they are able to mature socially , better regulate their emotions , develop intellectually , and evolve morally .
HAC has been providing a safe , fun , and educational place for kids to spend their summers for 10 years now ! Our programs provide both physical and academic activities to keep your kids on the right track throughout their break from school . We offer programs for kids ages 3-12 years old . Our various programs include fan favorites , like Sports Mania and Party in the USA , as well as new options , like Lego ® Storytelling and SuperHero Academy ! No two kids are the same ( not even twins !), so we provide a broad selection of programs to fit the desires of each of our HAC campers .
Furthermore , our summer camp provides children with the opportunity for philanthropy . Throughout the summer , HAC campers engage in activities to help raise money for the Special Olympics Delaware and Delaware Foundation Reaching Citizens . Teaching children selflessness and social awareness at an early age can have a significant impact on their social skills throughout the course of their lives . Raising our children to know the importance of helping others is imperative to making our world a better , safer , happier place .
For a full list of our Summer Camp programs , visit our website at hachealthclub . com / camp or pick up a brochure on your next visit to the HAC ! Our online registration is available now . To see which camp is the right fit for your child , contact kidsprograms @ hachealthclub . com .