Enhance Magazine | Page 25

member spotlight
Most significant physical accomplishment prior to the Spartan Race : Three years ago after baby # 3 , it was a significant physical accomplishment to walk up the steps with a laundry basket without having to stop . Two years ago , I ran a 5k without stopping to walk , then last year ran a 5k and placed third in my age group ( I may have lied about my age and told them I was 74 ).
Why you decided to do the race : Peer pressure , pure and simple . I ’ m a pushover .
Favorite aspect of the race : The thought of the beer at the finish line was the only thing that kept me going . It was my beacon of hope around hour number three when I lost all feeling in my hands and my sunny disposition turned homicidal .
How was the journey training for the race ? Absolutely miserable . I have PTSD anytime someone says “ chest-to-ground burpee .” We had weekly torture sessions at the giant mountain at the Newark reservoir . I remember the first time Dina Saitis told us we would be climbing the hills 10 times . I just started laughing . However , we did it . With each meeting , we climbed them faster , then we climbed them 20 times , then we climbed them 20 times with weights . All joking aside , it was actually pretty amazing to see the improvement over a few months , and training with my friends was fun .
Biggest motivation : Initially , peer pressure . In a cult-like brainwashing kind of way , because “ all my friends were doing it ” to celebrate Dina ’ s transition out of her 40 ’ s . I didn ’ t want to be the slacker that didn ’ t participate . The only thing greater than my fear of the Spartan Race was my fear of missing out . I dreaded this race from the moment I signed up and was massively anxious even standing at the start line . I was so afraid to fail and I didn ’ t think I could do it .
I ’ ve never been a gym rat ; I played sports in high school and college because it was fun , not because I really cared about being fit . Over the past three years , after my friend Karen got me to start taking classes and showing up to the gym on a regular basis , I slowly started to see changes . With the help of Dina and my gym friends , I accomplished something I never thought in a million years I would even attempt . Was my time stellar ? Nope . Did I fail a few obstacles ? Yep . Did I finish ? Sure did , and I have a medal and a tee shirt to prove it !
I have PTSD anytime someone says ‘ chest-toground burpee .’
Why you decided to do the race : I ’ d never competed in any races or obstacle courses , but choosing to participate in the Spartan Race was a no brainer when Dina mentioned it during one of our training sessions . I didn ’ t hesitate when she said we are doing it together and we have plenty of time to train for it . It sounded exciting and scary at the same time , but having trained with Dina for the past few years , I felt it would be a natural progression to test the strength and endurance I ’ ve trained for . So the journey of Spartan training began .
How was the journey training for the race ? The training for Spartan race was like I ’ ve never done anything before in my life . Dina also cranked it up a notch , and she was so creative with the workouts , especially after we researched some of the obstacles that were on the course . We focused on strength and endurance , climbed the Newark reservoir hills with weights , carried rocks and logs , flipped tires , climbed ropes , did monkey bars , just to name a few . It was challenging and fun .
Biggest motivation : Dina was my inspiration and the driving force that pushed me to realize and develop the strengths I have within . She also created a social media page that allowed us to communicate and support each other .
Favorite aspect of the race : Camaraderie , team spirit , and the ability to overcome the challenges were all great aspects , but the obstacles themselves were my favorite . After all , that ’ s what we trained for and that was the true test of our ability to come together as a team and overcome any obstacles .
enhance magazine | MARCH 2017 25