Enhance Magazine | Page 23

member spotlight
2016 brought Dina ’ s 50 th birthday , and she expected to enter the new decade with a bang . What she didn ’ t expect was the cultivation of beautiful friendships and lasting memories that training and competing brought . The race was held at Mountain Creek Ski Resort in New Jersey . Race day was cold , rainy , and windy . It was 9 miles of running up and down the mountain with 28 obstacles throughout . In addition to overcoming the grueling race which took anywhere from three and a half to six hours , the team raised over $ 13,000 for St . Jude ’ s Children ’ s Hospital . Read about each of their journeys .
Most significant physical accomplishment prior to the Spartan Race : Running the Marine Corp Marathon in 2012 . It was my first , and only ( lol ), marathon . I ran a 3:42 and qualified for Boston .
Favorite aspect of the race : Doing it with good friends from HAC – people who I work out with every day – was great . I think the journey training for the race was the best part . You know the saying , “ It ’ s not about the destination ; it ’ s about the journey to get there ?” I think that was so true for this race . All the hours we spent training are where I have the best memories .
Biggest motivation : What pushed me the most was Dina ! I was 100 % prepared for that race because of her . She constantly mixed up our workouts and added things that she knew would help us during the race . I ’ m talking everything from hill workouts to farmer carries to burpees – lots and lots of burpees !
You know the saying , ‘ It ’ s not about the destination ; it ’ s about the journey to get there .’ I think that was so true for this race .
Don and wife , Liz , crossing the final obstacle together .
Why you decided to do the race : Sounded like a great challenge , and I had watched it on TV . Plus , it was for a great cause , and I was excited about the opportunity to participate in it with a great group of people at HAC who I work out with a couple times a week .
Favorite aspect of the race : The challenge of the course and all of the enthusiasm and support from everyone on the HAC team . Great team effort by all .
How was the journey training for the race ? The motivation and enthusiasm from everyone in the small group classes were great ! Each class , everyone was pushing each other to do more . Outside of class , people were getting together to run hills and do other challenges . One of my favorite aspects of the whole experience was the need to constantly push yourself to get in better shape .
Biggest motivation : What pushed me the most was thinking of the kids and families that have to go to St . Jude Children ' s Hospital . I am appreciative of Dina for organizing this race and raising over $ 13,000 for St . Jude ’ s . Such a win , win , win .
enhance magazine | MARCH 2017 23