Enhance Magazine | Page 21

staff spotlight
through doing the Guided Circuit , and that was helpful in getting me started . It just kept growing from there .” Small Group Personal Training was introduced that following fall , and that ’ s where Dina fell into her groove . Restricted on “ prime time ” slots as a new trainer , she took whatever she could get . If one trainer dropped his or her class , Dina would ask to take that time slot and continued to take on more and more classes . Today , Dina teaches 18 Small Group classes a week , each class consistently filled with her dedicated , intensityloving clients . Small Group is arguably her favorite format of training .
“ I like that it ’ s a lot of high energy , that ’ s a positive ,” Dina says . “ I like the camaraderie . I like that it ’ s just about getting the work done , and there ’ s limited conversation .” Dina ’ s training style is a product of discipline . She believes that if you ’ re going to do a job , you need to do it well , and you need to be focused . “ I think if you ’ re here to work out , I ’ m not here to take it easy on you .”
Despite the strict regime during class , Dina makes a conscious effort , and did from the beginning of her career , to make each client feel personally welcome as they come in . “ I want to make sure that when people walk into the classroom ,” she says , “ that they feel like they are wanted and a part of
I want to make sure that when people walk into the classroom . . . they feel like they are wanted and a part of this . That we are all in this together . That you aren ’ t just a face to me .
this . That we are all in this together . That you aren ’ t just a face to me .” That was always her philosophy and respect , and it has manifested into a community of supportive and encouraging athletes who root for each other and are regular faces in Dina ’ s FIT classes .
Nothing is a greater testament to Dina ’ s ability to bond and bring people together than the event , and those leading up to it , that occurred in October of last year : the Tri-State New Jersey Spartan Race .
As Dina prepared to turn 50 last year , she decided to approach the new decade by challenging herself physically like she never had before . Her birthday would fall within a couple weeks of the race , and she intended to give herself the ultimate gift of accomplishment . She also aimed at raising money for St . Jude ’ s . “ I didn ’ t want it to be just about egos ,” she says . “ I wanted it to be about a better cause .” What began as a personal journey with a couple of friends ended as the triumph of the 91 members of Dina ’ s group , Driven not Given .
Over the six months leading up to the Spartan , Dina trained alongside the growing group , doing everything from hill runs , monkey bars , and rope climbs to log carries , tire flips , and bear crawls . Groups would go rock climbing and zip lining , spending early mornings , week nights , and weekends
training . Groups of participants transformed into groups of new friends . “ Everyone was there for each other ,” Dina recalls , “ and it was all about the experience . Seeing everyone working together , getting there , the excitement – just the whole experience , I wouldn ’ t trade it for the world .”
The group went on to raise over $ 13,000 for St . Jude ’ s . ( For more on the Spartan story , turn to page 22 .)
At the end of the race , everyone threw Dina a surprise birthday party . Dina was so humbled by the experience and the love the group showed her and continues to feel that every day she comes to work at HAC . “ I ’ m so fortunate to work with such an awesome group of hardworking , dedicated people ,” she says . “ It ’ s a pleasure to come to work each day and feel the vitality in each and every client .”
Dina credits her HAC managers for instilling confidence in her from the beginning . “ Maria Crennan , Rachael Ling , John Peoples , and HAC owner , Bob Carpenter , have offered incredible support from day one . Their confidence in me was and is a key to my current success . Working with a wonderful , intelligent group of personal trainers also makes it a pleasure to come to work every day . I am truly blessed .”
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