Enhance Magazine | Page 19

fit tips
Jeannie Versagli holds a license in Nutrition for the State of Delaware and is a Registered Dietitian with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics , a national professional organization . Her career in the Nutrition and Culinary fields spans over 30 years . As a part of the HAC team , Jeannie oversees our nutrition programs and services , facilitates some of the services personally , and acts as a resource throughout the club .

Put Your Best Fork Forward

by Jeannie Versagli
No , we don ’ t mean for you to break out your best cutlery ( although if you ’ ve got wedding silver , it could probably use a day in the sun !). The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics celebrates National Nutrition Month in March , and the theme for this year is Putting Your Best Fork Forward . Think about it – whenever you eat , what ’ s the most common utensil you use ? That four-pronged tool plays a big part in the decisions you make regarding your health . It puts your decisions into actions – whether it ’ s eating cake or cauliflower – so make sure you ’ re using it to forward your best intentions .
1 TEASPOON OF MARGARINE is the size of one di
3 OUNCES OF MEAT is the size of a deck of cards
Making the best of decisions when it comes to our health doesn ’ t always happen in a day . The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggest starting with small changes to make healthier lasting changes you can enjoy . One forkful at a time , commit to little choices every day that move toward the direction of a healthy lifestyle .
Incorporating a variety of foods is an important component to healthy eating . Eating fruits , vegetables , and whole grains -- and making sure to get an assortment of each – provides us with the essential nutrients that our bodies require for maintaining good health .
Nutrients obtained from vegetables are dietary fiber , potassium , vitamin A , vitamin C , vitamin K , copper , magnesium , vitamin E , vitamin B6 , folate , iron , manganese , thiamin , niacin , and choline . Consumption of dark green vegetables provides the most vitamin K ; red and orange colored vegetables provide the most vitamin A ; and legumes provide the most dietary fiber .
Nutrients obtained from fruits are fiber , potassium , and vitamin C .
Nutrients obtained from whole grains are dietary fiber , iron , zinc , manganese , folate , copper , thiamin , niacin , vitamin B6 , phosphorus , selenium , riboflavin , and vitamin A . When considering grains , remember to opt for whole grain products , and avoid terms such as “ enriched grains ,” as this often is used to describe refined , or processed , grains .
An easy way to remember what types of foods to add to your menu is to consider all the colors of the rainbow in your daily menu planning . The more variety you include in your diet , the more nutrients are provided to you from your food choices . Our bodies are not capable of producing vitamins or minerals , therefore we need to choose foods that provide good sources of these nutrients .
Understanding the appropriate portions of the food items to consume makes all the difference as we put our best fork forward . A serving is the amount of food recommended to consume , and a portion is the amount of food you choose to eat at any one time , which could be more or less than a serving . Knowing and staying within the appropriate serving size can and will allow you to manage your daily caloric intake and maintain a stable , healthy weight . Just how much we eat is as important as what we eat . During our life cycle , the requirements of nutrients vary . To determine the appropriate amounts of nutrients needed for male , female , and age-specific groups , refer to the USDA Dietary Guildlines 2015-2020 . Make goals that are attainable with small changes over time by choosing fruits and vegetables of many colors and including whole grains into your daily diet . This along with understanding portion control make for the perfect formula for putting your best fork forward .
1 CUP OF PASTA is the size of a baseball
1½ OUNCES OF CHEESE is the size of four stacked dice
½ CUP OF FRESH FRUIT is the size of a tennis ball
enhance magazine | MARCH 2017 19