Enhance Magazine | Page 33

cover story plus much less pain .”
From turning to exercise , Patti has found more than just physical benefits . “ If you just want results , you are missing the best part . I love the workouts ! My friendship with Chris and camaraderie with HAC members and staff make me want to come to the gym .” Being around people who are doing the same thing helps keep her motivated . “ Here at HAC , everyone is positive and looking to help you be a better person , and it ’ s just the environment . . . They encourage me to be my best and likewise . Thanks , guys !”
As an avid downhill skier , she has gained a confidence in her favorite sport . “ My skiing and stamina have improved , and so has my fun on and off the slopes .” After working with her , Chris developed HAC ’ s SGPT class Ski Fit . “ Many [ of my fellow ] Wilmington Ski Club members have benefited , which makes me feel good .” She feels that being an athlete likely saved her life and someone else ’ s as well ; while skiing , a friend of hers fell into a tree hole , and Patti was able to dig her out with the strength she ’ d gained thanks to her commitment to exercise . Now she even acts as the “ sweeper ” when skiing because she has the confidence and strength to do it .
Patti now feels better , stronger , and like an overall better person . “ Part of your look is your personality and confidence . At 40 , I didn ’ t feel very attractive . And I don ’ t mean that from a looks standpoint , I just didn ’ t feel that great about myself . . . I wasn ’ t as confident in my abilities . When you meet your goals
When you meet your goals working out , you meet your goals other places , too . working out , you meet your goals other places , too .” And though we talk about age , “ really the point is , it ’ s not about age . I think it ’ s great I ’ m turning 60 , but it has no bearing . Granted , as I age , I have to be a little more careful , but that ’ s why I have Chris . He makes sure we ’ re doing everything correctly .” In fact , during each personal training session , Chris goes through various corrective exercises , checking that everything is activated and focusing on those areas .
In further reflection of her age , Patti notes that “ it ’ s not that I don ’ t care about what other people think , it ’ s just that it does not at all define me . . . As a 60-yearold , I ’ ve reached a point in my life where I want time to do more of the things that I want to do and enjoy , such as working out and having new experiences . I don ’ t want to have to say , ‘ I have to somehow fit this in .’”
For Patti , “ 60 is a place where you should be reflecting on what you ’ ve accomplished and saying ‘ how do I really want to make a difference ?’ Whether it ’ s to family , to friends , to yourself , or to the world . I have some really big goals that I want to accomplish , and I need more free time to do that .”
For those just starting their journey , Patti stresses to remember that “ limitations are more in the mind than in the body . . . It ’ s a road , it ’ s a journey , and you won ’ t get there overnight . It ’ s all about repetition and being proud of your progress , being able to look back and recognize that there were times when you couldn ’ t do what you ’ re doing now , and that ’ s a victory . If you
Patti ’ s skiing has improved tremendously since working with Chris and taking Ski Fit .
Patti takes Tactical Training Self Defense , where she is currently in Level II Training at Dragon Dojo .
haven ’ t used your two free Fitness Health Appraisals , schedule them . That started my journey to fitness . Personal Training makes an excellent gift . I ’ m not a paid spokesperson either . I believe in learning the correct form to exercise .
“ Personal training is the best gift that I have given myself . Being fit , flexible and strong is especially important as we age . I am not the ‘ Biggest Loser ’ or ‘ American ’ s Next Top Fitness Model ,’ but an improved version
Patti leading her 14th clothing drive for Clothing Bank of DE
of me . Can you think of a better 60th birthday gift ? I ’ m proof that ‘ 60 is the New 40 .’ Forget the stereotypes attached to age . I ’ m 60 , bring it on !”
I ’ m 60 , bring it on !
enhance magazine | SEPTEMBER 2016 33