english | Page 10

Questions 1 Which part of Australia does Joannawork and live in? (page I ) 2 What is The Bluebird? (page 1 ) Longman Group UK UmltEd, Longman H o w , Burn; Mill, Huriow, h e x CMZO 2JE, England and A S s ~ ~ L t t kCornparties d rhrougkollr the worEd. 6Lungman G m p UK Limited 1991 All righta reservdd; no p r t of fhb pirbiicalion moy bg reprodwed, sfmed in a rdrieml system, or irllkpd~sdin anyform or by any meam, electronic, mckanieal, phrocoping, recording. or ~ l k f w i r e , w i t h the prior written permtesion of the Publishers. 3 How old is Mary? (page 2 ) 4 What's wrong with her? (page 3) 5 Who is Pad Griffin? (page 5 ) 6 Where does Joanna stay in Sydney? (page 6) 7 How does she know when Mary is well again? (pages 8 and 9) First published 1991 Secorrd impression I984 8 Why does Sister Clark need a new nurse? (page 10) Set in luZO Life Roman 9 Does Joanna take the job in Sydney? (page 15) Puzzle I S B N 0-582-06074-5 Look at the list of Australian cities on the right. Where do they go on the map? Write A, B, C, etc in the boxes. ? d Melbourne 0 Sydney Perth [7 Adelaide Hobart Darwin --j Cc- Brisbaine Ideas 1 Make a Sydney wall poster. Here's how: a) Collect photos of Sydney from magazines, newspapers and travel brochures; b) stick them on a big piece of paper; c) put the poster on your bedroom or classroom wall. 2 It's one week after the story ends. Write a postcard from a) Joannato Paul, or b) Paul to Joanna,or c) Janeto Joanna.