English Through IT & Art ENGLISH-THROUGH-IT | Page 8

StoryBots: A Beautiful, Beautiful World Author of the exercises: Bozhidar Yosifov and Eren Steliyanov Ex.1 Unscramble the geographical words /put the letters in the correct order to form geographical words/. Ex. 2 Fill in the missing information 1 How many people live on the Earth? ………………………………………...... 2 What do the North and South Poles have?……………………..……………. 3 How wide is the Earth?………………………..…………………………………….…. 4 What's on Earth?…………………………………………………………………………… 5 How many continents does the Earth have?……………………………….…. 6 Which are they (the continents)?…………………………………………….……… 7 What can everyone see?……………………………………………………….….……. A Beautiful, Beautiful World I'm the Earth, and for what it's worth 25 thousand miles is my girth I've got more than 7 billion people living on me All across my amazing geography Check out my mountains, valleys, trees so tall And I've got akels, rivers and fallswater lovcanos, craters, swampswith lliagatosr Tropical lisadns at my equator The North and South poles have lots of ice Only Polar Bears say, "This weather's nice!" I've got so much land, yeah, I'm so immense I've got 7 - (STORYBOT 2: "Seven!") - 7 different continents North and South America, Europe, Asia Africa, Antarctica, and Australia But the biggest thing, Everybody can see Is that I gotta lotta water, all over me! I have coenas with lobsters, whales, otters Three quarters of me is covered in water I orbit the sun - (THE SUN: "I'm so hot") - that's his line And the moon orbits me - (THE MOON: "It's my time to shine") I'm filled with life, both big and small The most beautiful apnlet of all. CHORUS Such a beautiful...such a beautiful...such a beautiful... beautiful world. It is the home to every boy and girl It's a beautiful, beautiful world. I'm getting homesick Me too. Computer, take us home. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBmZjOHrVJ0