English Project The Late 1800\'s | Page 2

Potato Famine Outbreak!

It is at one farm, when one potato outbreak happened. It is thought to just be one or two small potatoes that has been infected by this disease, but it is spreading and it keeps spreading. This one farm is located in Ireland. The potato famine is a rare disease that potatoes can have. The potato may have this disease when it is cut in half and in the middle of it, which looks like black lines running throughout it, making it bad to eat. When this happens, many people will go hungry in Ireland, considering that potatoes are one of Ireland’s main food productions. Since they are so hungry, many people are dying, making the conditions unlivable. Now, in the US, many more immigrants are coming to this country than any other year. Therefore making US’s population a lot larger. There are three different outbreaks of this disease recorded so far.

When this disease first broke out, 40,000-50,000 people are recorded to have died from starvation. The disease started in Ireland, but it is not staying there. Later on, the potato famine that was once only in Ireland is spreading to different countries around the world, making it a very bad time in history. The United States hasn’t obtained this disease yet and we are glad we did not. However, the famine still affects America in a negative way. With fewer suppliers of potatoes to the US, the less potato products are being made during this time. Luckily it looks like the disease is ending, but it may return.