English Project Photojournalism | Page 2


Bullying Is Getting Out of Hand

By: Aditya Singh

Children of all ages and genders are bullying and is hurting many people. Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior that is intentional, hurtful, (physical or physiological), and/or threatning and presistent. Bullying happens during times when people are low and need to take out their anger on peers. It is present during school, outside, internet, cellular devices, and in playgrounds. People bully because they think that it makes them stronger, look cool, and become popular. People bully physically, verbal, social, relational, and cyber.

Bullying has been going on for too long and kids are getting hurt. Schools have gone into action and they have tried to stop it. There have been assemblies and talks with teachers and other school staff for students to inform them about this issue. It is estimated that 160,000 students in the US miss school because of bullying, intimidation, and fear. American schools have 2.7 million bullies and 2.7 million victims. Another scary fact is that 1 out fo 20 students have seen someone at there school with a gun. In America bullyingis pretty bad, but in other countries it's the same story.

Bullying is sometimes influenced by friends and peers. Typically those who engage in bully-like behaviors use their strength, popularity, and usuallt target people weaker in size or those who can't handle it. There are a lot of consequecnes for bullying and now you can get arrested if it is really bad. Schools have cracked down on bullying and will not stop until everyone is not bullied.