Editorial: The Chinese Exclusion Act: Good or Bad Decison?
About a couple of weeks ago, the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed. This of course barred any immigrants from China to immigrate here for ten years! Do you really think this was a good decision by the Congress? Of course, I can think of the frustration for the people that had jobs in the major cities and then lost it because of Chinese Immigrants stealing them for lower wages. But to pass the Chinese Exclusion Act, in my opinion is going way too far. I think this is a horrible decision by the Congress.
This is not the right choice because first and foremost it is unfair for all the immigrants from China that want the opportunity to come to the U.S. I thought Americans were the ones saying that the United States is welcome to everyone. The people from U.S. were the ones who brought Chinese Immigrants into America to work for the Central Pacific Railroad. Without their help, we might have not had a good railroad here in the west and now we are stopping them from coming here. At the time in California, the slow economy was exploited by many some politicians who blamed the Chinese Immigrants for stealing their jobs for a lower wage. Because of this, many people in the west that lost their jobs got very furious in which they attacked the Chinese many times. Later in the year of 1880, the Chinese government took action in which they accepted a temporary suspension of any immigration by Chinese into the U.S. because of the attacks. Then in 1882, the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed which barred any immigration from China for ten years. The Chinese probably felt sad and angry. It’s not their fault they need money to support their families.
I strongly disagree with the decision by the Congress. I think we should fight for the Chinese’s rights by protesting or holding boycotts. As Americans, we should know better and allow the Chinese to immigrate here again. In my opinion, this is not going to help this country. Do you think the Congress’ decision was a good or bad decision? Think about this. Will this really help our country?
Ankit Kumar