English project Littereing | Page 2

People all over Virginia are throwing trash on the ground because they are to lazy to throw it out. Litter is a serious problem for the environment. Litter can kill aminals and makes the world less inhabitable day by day. Before throwing trash out of your car, or dropping you trash and not picking it up, think of how it will effect the environment.

Litter is slowly destroying our environments by killing animals and staying there for years. It takes about 50 years for a tinned steel can to decompose. It also takes 200-500 years for an aliminum can to decompose. Both of those things can be recycled in as little as 6 weeks. Glass takes 1-2 million years to decompose. It would only take a matter of days for it to be recycled. A downside of recycling is that it uses energy and the recycling plant take up vauable space.

Almost every state has laws against littering. Most of them will fine you with about $100-$200 for various items. In Virginia items from diapers to tacks are not allowed to be thrown or dropped in a public or private area. If the item is not picked back up the dropper is fined.

Litter, Litter, Everywhere