English project Graffiti | Page 2

Whether it's called street art or graffiti, many examples can be found here in downtown Richmond and suburban areas, like Wellseley. In April, 2012, street artists acquired their own local festival. The purpose of the festival-- bring artists from all over town together to paint and change the appearance of old, useless, ugly buildings into pieces of art. All of the artists receive permision from the City before doing so. The festival also proved a valuable lesson for art students to gain experience in making important beautiful visual statements.

Work by artists Ryan McGinness, Chris Milk, and Nick Kuszyk seen here beautify the Shockoe Bottom area. However, some "art" is made by people wanting to protest or act out. This is commonly done without permission and considered by some to be graffiti not art because of its harmful words and ugly appearance. It is often unsigned.

The Art of Graffiti

By Jackie Iuorno


By: Jackie Iuorno

Graffiti found under 14th Street Bridge and at wellesley in Short Pump