English presentation Richard-Alexander-López-Hernández | Page 7
Importance or purpose of the family
What is the purpose of family?
Families are where we connect ourselves in relationships to past, current, and
future generations.
Our families are where we experience our biggest triumphs and our deepest
vulnerabilities—and they are where we have the greatest potential to do good. We
believe the family is divine in nature and that God designates it as the fundamental
building block of society, both on earth and through eternity. As such, it becomes
the foundation for civilization and a sanctuary for the individual. It is where we learn
the social graces of loyalty, cooperation, and trust. It is where we learn to love
ourselves and each other, to bear one another’s burdens, to find meaning in our
life and to give purpose to others’ lives, and to feel the value of being part of
something greater than ourselves.