76 Introducing recovery skills
Introducing recovery skills
Aims . To deepen the group ’ s understanding of the helper ’ s role . To bridge today ’ s discussion with earlier discussions .
This session connects earlier discussions of helpers ’ qualities to learning new skills and exercises . If the group worked very actively on the first day , shorten the exercise , for instance by skipping Figure 6 and simply adding new elements to the original Helper ( Figure 1 ) drawn on Day 1 .
Discussion . The qualities of a helper in your society .
Ask the participants to break up into small groups . Give them time to discuss the role of a helper . Then invite them to share what they have said with everyone in plenary .
Exercise 7 . The qualities of a helper in your society .
Draw a new Helper on the flip chart . The new Helper is culture-specific . List her important qualities – both the qualities mentioned in earlier discussions and those identified during the Exercise . Tell the group that the drawing is a useful reminder of the skills that helpers need .
How can knowledge of the human rights-based approach become a useful asset ?
Ask the participants to make a copy of the drawing and hang it in their workplace ( or another place they choose ) to remind them of the Helper ’ s qualities .
Draw Figure 4 . The Butterfly Woman experiences triggers and flashbacks some time after the trauma . At first , draw the Butterfly Woman without antennae or ground below her feet .
Write down a list of her symptoms . ( She feels alone , is in inner darkness , her heart is asleep , she has bad thoughts and nightmares , she is afraid , angry , hopeless , says “ I am bad ”, “ I am dirty ”, etc .).
Discussion . Responding to a survivor ’ s needs .
Develop a scenario . The survivor is seeking help and begins to talk about how she feels . Ask the participants to say how they have responded in such situations . Get them to talk about their personal meetings with survivors . What is their experience ? Can they share it ?
Add their answers to the list .