English Mental health and gender-based violence English version | Page 65

The acute trauma

The acute trauma

Aim . To learn about initial reactions to a traumatic event and how to respond to such reactions with respect and patience .
Trainer . I will continue the story . I want you to observe the Butterfly Woman ’ s immediate reactions carefully and think about what scares her . What troubles her thoughts , feelings , breathing , heart , and body ? How can she be approached ? Is there any way to get near her ? Do the things that scare her have common features ? Do some things help her ?
The Butterfly Woman was hiding behind some bushes . Having walked for days she realised she had nowhere to go and was completely alone . She felt her loneliness spreading like ice to all her limbs . She lay completely still , looking dead . Her yellow dress was torn to pieces .
When staff at the health centre were informed that a woman had been raped , they decided to search for her . After looking for some time , a helper saw something move behind a bush and a woman screamed “ Go away !” She moved slowly and paused so that the woman could see her from a distance . Not wishing to scare her , she sat down in silence , waited for a while , and then told the Butterfly Woman that she helped women in her situation . At first the Butterfly Woman just shouted “ Go away ” again . Her voice was filled with despair , anger and fear . The helper continued to sit , and repeated that she was there to help .
After a while the Butterfly Woman started to listen to the helper . She could feel some of her inner ice starting to melt and was able to move her arms and legs . She was not able to speak , but felt gradually that the lady wanted to help her . This first feeling of confidence weakened her feelings of fear and shame .
She managed to sit up . Then she dared to raise her gaze and meet the helper ’ s eyes . She could see that the helper ’ s expression was free of contempt and that her eyes were warm . At last the Butterfly Woman said : “ Come ”. The helper went slowly across and sat down beside her . They sat in silence for a while . The day turned towards night . At that moment the Butterfly Woman felt how tired she was , and she leaned towards the helper who put her head on her shoulder .
Trainer . We will pause for moment here . I do not expect you to remember the story by heart , but I would like to ask you to do an exercise .