English Mental health and gender-based violence English version | Page 111

Stabilising and protecting a survivor who wants to report what happened to her

Stabilising and protecting a survivor who wants to report what happened to her

Aim . To introduce the issue of reporting .
Trainer . I will continue the story .
One day the Butterfly Woman needed to talk about the rape . She wanted to report it and get help from a lawyer . She wanted the men who had raped her to be convicted for what they had done .
The helper told her that it could be very triggering to talk about the rape . She wished to prepare the Butterfly Woman , so that she could do what she wanted without dissociating or becoming overwhelmed . She said : “ It is most important to tell the story in headlines . Avoid details , because details are a strong trigger and will awaken the trauma memories again .”
We will see how a woman can tell her story without awaking her memories .
First of all , may I ask how many of you have met survivors who wanted to report a violation to any official body , to prosecute their attackers or tell their story in another way ?
Discussion . Survivors who want to report their experience or file a complaint . ( 15 minutes .)
What happens when a woman wants to report what happened to her , or to file a complaint ? Do you have experience of such situations ?