Haymarket Strike Strikes Back
Yesterday, May 4, 1886, an event took place that will be remembered for many years to come. It is a widely known fact that the average workday for a factory worker is 10-18 hours. Many people are beginning to support the idea of working only eight hours a day. However, the riot that took place at Haymarket Square in Chicago, Illinois, may leave people wondering if protesting against their long hours and low wages is worth it.
The affair began as what was supposed to be a peaceful rally encouraging an eight-hour workday. The rally attracted around 1,500 onlookers, but when an unknown civilian threw a dynamite bomb in the direction of the police officers, the rally turned into chaos. The bomb killed seven police officers and another four onlookers. The explosion also left over 100 civilians wounded. People swarmed the streets in desperate panic. There have been terrible