English Idioms | Page 5

-5- or activity. below the belt : unfair or unfairly; not in keeping with the rules. Υηύπεκα θάησ από ηε κέζε. a Benjamin's portion (or mess) : the largest share or portion. Ζ κεξίδα ηνπ ιένληνο. Explanation: In the Bible, Benjamin was the youngest son of the Jewish patriarch Jacob. When Jacob's sons encountered their long-lost brother Joseph in Egypt, where he had become a high official, they failed to recognize him, but Joseph generously entertained them: 'And he took and sent messes [servings of food] unto them from before him: but Benjamin'smesswasfivetimes so much as any of their's' (Genesis 43:34). don't bet on it: used to express doubt about an assertion or situation. Με βάδεηο θαη ζηνίρεκα … better late than never : it's preferable for something to happen or be done belatedly than not at all. Κάιιην αξγά παξά πνηέ. the bird has flown : the person you are looking for has escaped or gone away. Πέηαμε ην πνπιί. kill two birds with one stone : achieve two aims at once. Με έλα ζκπάξν δπό ηξηγώληα. a little bird told me : used as a teasing way of saying that you do not intend to divulge how you came to know something. Μνπ ην είπε έλα πνπιάθη. a bit much : somewhat excessive or unreasonable. Πνιύ θαθό γηα ην ηίπνηα. bite the hand that feeds you : deliberately hurt or offend a benefactor; act ungratefully. Γαγθώλεηο ην ρέξη πνπ ζε ηαίδεη. bite off more than you can chew : take on a commitment you cannot fulfil. Μέρξη εθεί πνπ θηάλεηο λα απιώλεηο ή λα απιώλεηο ηα πόδηα ζνπ όζν θηάλεη ην πάπισκα ζνπ bite your tongue : make a desperate effort to avoid saying something. Φάε ηε γιώζζα ζνπ.