English Idioms | Page 32

-32- a war of words : a prolonged debate which is conducted by means of the spoken or printed word. Λεθηηθόο πόιεκνο. wash your hands of : disclaim responsibility for. Νίπησ ηαο ρείξαο κνπ. Explanation: This phrase originally alluded to the biblical description of Pontius Pilate, who, when he was forced to condemn Jesus to death, sent for a bowl of water and ritually washed his hands before the crowd as a sign that he was innnocent of 'this just person' (Matthew 27:24). meet your Waterloo : experience a final and decisive defeat. Ήηαλ ην Βαηεξιώ ηνπ. Explanation: The battle of Waterloo in 1815 marked the final defeat of Napoleon's army by the British and the Prussians. the weak link : the point at which a system, sequence, or organization is most vulnerable; the least dependable element or member. Ο αδύλακνο θξίθνο. all wet mistaken : completely wrong. Σα έθαλα κνύζθεκα. spread (or stretch or try) your wings : extend your activities and interests or start new ones. Άλνημε ηα θηεξά ηνπ.