English Idioms | Page 20

-20- especially grief. Mm man's best friend : an affectionate or humorous way of referring to a dog. Ο θαιύηεξνο θίινο ηνπ αλζξώπνπ. man to man : in a direct and frank way between two men; openly and honestly. Άληξαο πξνο άληξα. near (or close) to the mark : almost correct or accurate. Δίκαη θνληά ζην ζηόρν κνπ. meat and potatoes : ordinary but fundamental things; basic ingredients. Δίλαη ςσκνηύξη. the reverse of the medal (or shield) : the opposite view of a matter. Ζ άιιε όςε ηνπ λνκίζκαηνο melt in the mouth : (of food) be delisiously light or tender and need little or no chewing. Ληώλεη ζην ζηόκα… get the message : infer an implication from a remark or action. Πήξε ην κήλπκα. under the microscope : under critical examination. Κάησ από ην κηθξνζθόπην. the Midas touch : the ability to make money out of anything that you undertake. Σν άγγηγκα ηνπ Μίδα. Explanation: Ηn classical legend, Midas was a king of Phrygia (in Asia Minor) who had the power to turn everything he touched into gold. the middle of nowhere : somewhere very remote and isolated. ΢ηε κέζε ηνπ πνπζελά a mile a minute : very quickly. ΢ην πη θαη θη. cry over spilt (or spilled) milk : lament or make a fuss about a misfortune that has happened and Κιαίεη πάλσ ζην ρπκέλν γάια.