English guide 20 pages | Page 19

Kobus ellipsiprymnus

Long-haired antelope the size of a doe. Only the male wears horns with concave curvature. It weighs from 180 kg to 220 kg. It feeds on grasses and seeks water, in which it can take refuge in case of danger.


Animal deemed to be the most dangerous and unpredictable of all animals on the African continent.

Feared by everyone, including crocodiles, the hippopotamus, seemingly peaceful, can be incredibly aggressive.

He leads a double life: the day he lives under water. At night, he emerges to graze. It only feeds 5 hours a night but manages to consume up to 40 kg of vegetation. This amount may seem huge but is quite low for an animal that can weigh over 3 tons and measure up to 4.5 m long.

Take the time to observe Poshasa the baby hippopotamus
