English Department News Sept 2013 | Page 3

Making Feedback and Marking Count


used as revision. It can also be scored (out loud by the third pupil) as a game of tennis, hence the name – good for PE.

3) 3-4-5

In this activity, pupils have 4 minutes to tell the 3 main points of the lesson to 5 people. This is a fast and effective plenary activity. It can also be used as a starter but with questions instead of main points: pupils have 4 minutes to tell 5 people the 3 questions they would like answered on a particular topic.


Quality Feedback at KS4

Improving our feedback so that it is both valuable and effective for learners has been a focus for the department during the last year. Ensuring that our 'two stars and two wishes' are jargon-free and that students understand what is required of them when attempting their next piece of work is undoubtedly crucial in the battle for ongoing improvement.

Here is one of the resources on offer to simplify the feedback process for the students, and us, at KS4.

Paper 1 and 2 Writing Skills

The new non-fiction and creative writing marksheets have been emailed to everyone. These provide ready made statements relating to both Content and Organisation and Sentence Strucure, Punctuation and Spelling. This is a great time-saving resource which allows us to simply highlight the best aspect of C+O/SSPS in the piece of work, as well as indicate the most problematic areas in the students' work too. Most importantly, these sheets allow students to respond to the marking and to think carefully about how to rectify the areas noted in the target sections. For this feedback to be effective,

students need to be given an opportunity to note their response immediately upon receiving their marked work. Like all new initiatives, we need to train the students to write effective responses - a short period of modelling expected answers may be required.

These sheet can also be used when providing feedback on work in preparation for Controlled Assessment. A KS3 version is on its way to you shortly.

A useful resource to allow us to manage our time a little more effectively ...