English Coursebook VII Mei 20 | Page 3

C. Introducing self  Let me introduce myself.  My name is Prio Utomo.  My first name is Prio. P-R-I-O  My last name is Utomo. U-T-O-M-O  I live in Semarang, Central Java. D. Introducing others  I want to introduce you to my brother.  Hilmi, this is Tom.  Hello, Tom.  Hi, Hilmi.  It’s Nice to meet you.  Nice meeting you, too. E. Command and its response  Open your book and read it.  Sure  Listen to me.  Okay  Read page 1.  All right. F. Prohibition and its response  You musn’t walk on the grass.  All right, I won’t.  You can’t smoke here.  Really? Why (not)?  You aren’t allowed to fish in this river.  I’m sorry. I didn’t realize. Character-Based English /VII Grade 3