England Touch Association - Annual Report 2014 England Touch Association - Annual Report 2014 | Page 13
ETA Annual Report
Looking forward
2015 will likely see the medical coverage of the NTS come under the umbrella of the ETA Medical Team. There
will be a mass recruitment of qualified Physiotherapists to ensure that all NTS and CTS competitions are covered
by highly qualified staff with standardised policies and procedures.
Research will continue with further development of touch specific strength and conditioning programmes. Cari
and Emma will continue to work evaluate the injuries sustained in touch and develop and investigate screening
programmes to highlight at risk players.
We will continue to work closely with the Sport Science Department and Martin Wright (coach of the senior
mixed nationals side) to improve fitness and enhance performance in line with the demands of the sport.
Highlighting the specific demands and components of the sport, defining the anthropometrics of the ETA player,
enhancing performance and reducing risk of injury are the major research objectives for the immediate future.
The continued work of the Medical Team in collaboration with the HP team, Sport Science department as well as
individual players, will help to demonstrate just how far The ETA has come. This continued improvement in
fitness and skill has been highlighted in the achievements of all squads in the 2012 and 2014 European
championships, the 2013 Home Nations and will be very visible at the 2015 World Cup!
Cari Thorpe
Head of Medical Services
England Touch Association