School of Engineering Researcher Profiles | Page 31


Forced Convective Heat Transfer and Flow Characteristics with Unique Insert-induced Turbulence

Dr Foo , Ji Jinn Senior Lecturer PhD
Research expertise : Turbulence Control , Particles in Flow , Thermal Management , Phase Change Heat Transfer
E : foo . ji . jinn @ monash . edu T : + 603 5514 6255

Model-Based Mechanical Ventilation Treatment for Intensive Care Patients : Engineering Approach in Medicine and Clinical Care

Dr Chiew , Yeong Shiong Senior Lecturer PhD
Research expertise : Physiological Modelling , Model-based Treatment , Clinical Trials , Animal Trials , Design of Biomedical Engineering Devices
E : chiew . yeong . shiong @ monash . edu T : + 603 5514 4985
One of the unique features of turbulence is diffusivity , which plays a significant role in the enhanced mixing and increased rate of mass , momentum and energy transport in a flow . Less than a decade ago , a new idea was proposed by introducing planar fractal geometry to generate turbulence due to its ability in producing higher turbulence intensities . Various distinct and desired turbulent fluctuations can then be attained using fractal planar geometry due to its ability to rescale upstream flow into an array of frequencies that spans various characteristic length scales . Our research group mainly focuses on the attempts to work on a novel heat transfer method ,
Patients in respiratory failure are admitted to the hospital for mechanical ventilation ( MV ) breathing support . These patients are often critically ill and can have a high mortality rate of up to 60 %. MV treatment per patient per day can cost up to RM6000 . Thus , a well-managed MV treatment can have significant social and economical impact . MV is the primary treatment for these patients but MV research is still lacking , with little standardisation . In particular , patients ' condition and their response to treatment are heterogeneous and variable over time . Thus , general treatment approaches may not be suitable for many . i . e . to employ grid inserts as a mean of thermal dissipation via forced convective heat transfer . These projects are funded by MOHE ’ s FRGS research grants ; the research is in collaboration with DAIKIN R & D . We hope that our investigations are able to give rise to future sustainable heat transfer for humankind .
A more optimal , individualized approach is needed to obtain better care and outcomes . Our research focuses on modelbased treatment that offers the opportunity to individualise MV treatment . Mathematical models are used to characterise patients ’ condition , derive an optimised care based on patient-specific response . We also specialised in other biomedical engineering research , taking conceptual and model-based approaches from idea , through clinical proof of concept , and to a large clinical trial .
Area-averaged turbulence intensities and the corresponding 2D contour leeward from each space-filling grid
Calculated cross-sectional turbulence kinetic energy distributions
Lung modelling
Conducting experimental trials


R E S E A R C H E R P R O F I L E 2022 / 2023