Engaged 2022 | Page 44

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Gurney ’ s Newport Resort and Marina : Newport , RI , gurneysresorts . com / newport . Officers ’ Club : Newport , RI , navymwrnewport . com . Regatta Place : Newport , RI , newportexperience . com / regatta-place .

OFF SEASON The East Coast is well known for its summer weddings , but believe it or not , some people actually like the snow . Here are some of the coziest venues around that also look pretty in the winter and spring .

com / exclusive-venues / barns-wesleyan-hills . Bittersweet Farm Restaurant and Tavern : Westport , MA , bittersweetfarmwestport . com . Camp Hoffman : West Kingston , RI , gssne . org / en / our-council / rent-our-properties . html . Chamberlain Farm and Pavilion : Berkley , MA , chamberlainfarm . com . Kinney Bungalow : Narragansett , RI , kinneybungalow . com . Mount Hope Farm : Bristol , RI , mounthopefarm . org . Terrydiddle Farm : Rehoboth , MA , terrydiddlefarm . com .
The Squantum Association has hosted everyone from socialites to presidents to newlywed couples at its time-honored Colonial Revival-style clubhouse on the water . The piece de resistance , however , is the bronze canon which sits on the venue ’ s beautiful front lawn and is used to kick off each wedding reception with a ( literal ) bang . Riverside , RI , squantumassociation . com .
Agawam Hunt : East Providence , RI , agawamhunt . org . Quidnessett Country Club : North Kingstown , RI , quidnessett . com . Rhode Island Country Club : Barrington , RI , ricc . org . Sweet Berry Farm : Middletown , RI , sweetberryfarmri . com . Waterman Grille : Providence , RI , watermangrille . com .


MALL-SCALE If you ’ re planning to pen , “ Join us for an intimate celebration ” on your invites , these sites should suit your fancy .
Belfry Inn and Bistro : Sandwich , MA , belfryinn . com . Boat House : Tiverton , RI , boathousetiverton . com . CAV : Providence , RI , cavrestaurant . com . Jacky ’ s Waterplace and Sushi Bar : Providence , RI , jackysgalaxie . com . South County Museum : Narragansett , RI , southcountymuseum . org .


ARKS-PERFECT They call it “ Parks and Recreation ” for a reason : you can ’ t have one without the other .
Beavertail State Park : Jamestown , RI , riparks . com / parks / beavertail . php . Borderland State Park : North Easton , MA , mass . gov / locations / borderland-state-park . Colt State Park : Bristol , RI , riparks . com / parks / colt . php . Goddard Park : East Greenwich , RI , riparks . com / locations / locationgoddardcarousel . html . Wickham Park : Manchester , CT , wickhampark . org . Wilcox Park : Westerly , RI , westerlylibrary . org / private-events-wilcox-park .


UIRKY Not one to follow tradition ? These are not your typical venues .
Avon Cinema : Providence , RI , avoncinema . com . Cape Cod Central Railroad : Hyannis , MA , capetrain . com . Jane Pickens Theater : Newport , RI , janepickens . com . Lang ’ s Bowlarama : Cranston , RI , langsbowlarama . com . Mystic Aquarium : Mystic , CT , mysticaquarium . org . Ogie ’ s Trailer Park : Providence , RI , ogiestrailerpark . com .


USTIC Think : natural , rural settings adorned with lots of fairy lights and a trendy flair .
The Barns at Wesleyan Hills : Middletown , CT , ctweddinggroup .
The oceanic surroundings at Beavertail State Park can ' t be beat . Photo by Mackenzie B Photography .