The Providence Public Library is every bibliophile ' s ideal venue . Photo by Brad Smith Photography .
If you ’ re in the market for a space with an atypical nautical theme ( read : more shipbuilding , less blue and white stripes ), the New Bedford Whaling Museum has everything you could possibly need . Dine and dance beneath the museum ’ s majestic ( and massive ) whale skeletons and enjoy access to the Lagoda , a . k . a . the world ’ s largest model ship and resident newlywed portrait backdrop . New Bedford , MA , whalingmuseum . org .
Herreshoff Marine Museum : Bristol , RI , herreshoff . org . Museum of Science : Boston , MA , mos . org . Providence Public Library : Providence , RI , provlib . org . Redwood Library and Athenaeum : Newport , RI , redwoodlibrary . org .
UXURIOUS It really doesn ’ t get more sophisticated than a giant , stately mansion , folks .
Many couples are first charmed by Aldrich Mansion and Estate ’ s European architecture , on-site Catholic chapel and abundant water views , but it ’ s the exceptional service that stays with them long after the rings have been exchanged . The venue ’ s chef dazzles all with his delectable cuisine and the staff ’ s highquality service is reminiscent of a time when butlers ruled the great houses of the Gilded Age . Warwick , RI , aldrichmansion . com .
The Bradley Estate : Canton , MA , bradleyestateevents . com . Edgewood Manor : Providence , RI , providence-lodging . com . Glen Manor House : Portsmouth , RI , glenmanorhouse . com .
Linden Place : Bristol , RI , lindenplace . org . Mansion at Bald Hill : Woodstock , CT , mansionatbaldhill . com . Rosecliff : Newport , RI , newportmansions . org / weddings .
ODERN Need a fashionable setting that can accommodate your geometric-filled vision ? Look no further .
Kirkbrae Country Club custom tailors every wedding to their clients ’ wants and needs with the help of their highly experienced , multi-time Best of Rhode Island award-winning on-site coordinator , Tiffany Marsocci . The multidimensional venue can accommodate up to 400 people inside their beautiful facilities or out on their expansive grounds , though they are also happy to cater to much smaller parties , as well . Lincoln , RI , kirkbrae . com .
Franchesca ’ s at Waterplace : Providence , RI , franchescasfloraldesigns . com / venue . Granite Links : Quincy , MA , granitelinks . com . Lakeview Pavilion : Foxborough , MA , lakeviewpavilion . com .
EXPERIENCE Anchors , sailboats , Gilded Age excellence …. These venues do it all and without reproach .
Castle Hill Inn : Newport , RI , castlehillinn . com . The Chanler at Cliff Walk : Newport , RI , thechanler . com .