Florida Agricutlure
in the Classroom
What are the major benefits of these projects?
Students throughout Florida have experienced the benefits of developing agricultural related projects.
Not only do these projects provide students with the opportunity to develop their kinesthetic learning capacity, they also create positive relationships bet ween the student and the teacher. Teamwork
is an essential part of any school gardening project and students will feel more connected to their
Is there a connection between nutrition and mental health?
The FAITC's Gardening for Nutrition program is another excellent opportunity for students to learn
how the foods that they eat can affect their bodies and minds. In a study conducted by the American
Academy of Family Physicans, they found that people with high levels of magnesium and folic acid in
their diets were able to recover quickly from depression. These nutrients can be found in leafy green
vegetables, fruits, and avocados among others.
Visit FAITC website to apply for grants to fund a garden at your school!
FAITC’s website has many additional resources to explore.
There are many organizations that are dedicated to educating our students and families about what we eat and where
our food comes from. FoodDay.org is an extensive, national campaign that provides valuable information and a myriad of