Enfield Flier News November 2023 Fourth Edition | Page 3

Fourth Edition December 4 , 2023


By : Jaleh Michaud ENFIELD-- Enfield high school cheerleaders cheered for the Enfield high football team this fall 2023 . This season they were led by coaches are Tashia Michaud and Jacque Jeffers .
Every week the Eagles cheerleading team practices two times a week on Tuesday and Thursday from 6-7:30 p . m . in the EHS gym . They work on routines , cheers and stunts during the hour and a half practice .
The captains on the cheerleading team this year were Jaelah Michaud and Lily Roberts . They have both been cheering for seven years and they started with the Enfield Ramblers .
This year there were nine girls on the team , five of the girls were seniors . The seniors are Jayla Kennedy White , Tatiana Barnes , Amberley Cabrera , Lily Roberts , and Sophia Oppenheimer .
Every home game they perform at halftime show . There is a set routine for each halftime show and during the game the girls cheer as the team plays .
Over the past couple of years , the squad has gotten a lot better and have gotten more complements about it .
The Enfield Flyer 3