Enfield Adult & Continuing Education - Fermi High School - 124 North Maple St., Enfield, CT 06082
Phone: (860) 763-7032 - Fax: (860) 763-7407 - Website: www.enfieldschools.org
Please mail to the address above, a $2.00 check or money order for each high school transcript requested or $5.00 for each driver's education transcript requested. This
form and your payment may also be dropped off to our office at the same address above, anytime Monday through Thursday, from 9am - 1pm, and Fridays by
appointment. Once your request has been received by the Enfield Adult Education Office, the transcript will be mailed within three business days.
Year of Graduation:
Maiden Name:
Today's Date:
Date of Birth:
Please release my academic transcript to the following:
Deadline Date
Location - (Name and Address)
Office Use Only
Amount Paid
Date Completed