Enfield Adult Ed Fall Flyer 2024 | Page 5

GOLF INTERMEDIATE ( Saturday ) Pleasant View Golf Center - Rt . 83 - 452 South Road , Somers Fee $ 180 – 4 sessions - 9:30 to 11:00 a . m . Jeff Wadsworth No Surcharge , No Senior Discount Class begins September 21 This class is for the experienced golfer who is serious about playing better golf by developing a more solid all around game . Upon completion of this class you will not only have a much better understanding of the full swing and how to strike the golf ball more solidly and consistently , but you will also develop skill and confidence with the other parts of the game , such as chipping , pitch shots , sand play , and recovery shots . Class size is limited to 5 students . ( Practice balls are paid by participant )
ALL LEVELS FLOW YOGA ( Monday ) Enfield Annex – Library ( 2nd Level ) Fee $ 140 – 10 sessions – 6:00 to 7:00 p . m . Cat Rasid , Certified Yoga Teacher Class begins September 16 This movement-based practice is a beautiful balance between effort and ease . You will have the ability to link your breath with your movement as well as the ability to find moments for deep stillness . You will build strength and flexibility with the physical body where you check in with it and explore what feels good and right for you . This is an all-levels class . Come as you are . Please dress comfortably and bring a mat .
ALL LEVELS FLOW YOGA ( Wednesday ) Enfield Annex – Library ( 2nd Level ) l Fee $ 140 – 10 sessions – 6:00 to 7:00 p . m . Pat Scully , Certified Yoga Teacher Class begins September 18 This movement-based practice is a beautiful balance between effort and ease . You will have the ability to link your breath with your movement as well as the ability to find moments for deep stillness . You will build strength and flexibility with the physical body where you check in with it and explore what feels good and right for you . This is an all-levels class . Come as you are . Please dress comfortably and bring a mat .
HATHA YOGA ( Wednesday )
NEW Windsor Locks H . S . - Room 256B LOCATION Fee $ 140 – 10 sessions – 6:00 to 7:00 p . m . Carleen Sarno , Certified Yoga Teacher Class begins September18 Join us for an all-levels mat yoga class . In this class participants will be guided through a mindful yoga practice centered on combining breath with postures focusing on increasing health , awareness and relaxation . All levels are welcome as modifications for many poses will be offered .
ALL LEVELS YOGA ( Thursday ) Enfield Annex - Library ( 2nd Level ) Fee $ 140 - 10 sessions - 6:00 to 7:00 p . m . Terence Stearns Class begins September 19 In this class , participants will enjoy a slow-paced experience where different yoga poses are introduced to build strength , balance and flexibility . Clear instructions and suggestions for building or reducing effort make this a good class for everybody - especially beginners . Bring a mat , and it is recommended that participants have two yoga blocks to optimize modifications .
POWER YOGA CLASS ( Tuesday ) Enfield Annex - Library ( 2nd Level ) Fee $ 140 - 10 sessions - 6:00 to 7:00 p . m . Cat Rasid , Certified Yoga Teacher Class begins September 17 Power Yoga Flow This practice is a set sequence of postures that are dynamic and powerful . Combining peace with athleticism , this vinyasa flow is a balance between movement and stillness tied beautifully together by the breath . This practice helps to build strength and focus in body and mind . This class can easily be adapted for all fitness levels . Please dress comfortably and bring a mat .
GENTLE YOGA FOR STRESS RELIEF ( Wednesday ) Enfield Annex – Library ( 2nd level ) Fee $ 140 – 10 sessions – 12:30 to 1:30 p . m . Jude Connick , certified MYT yoga instructor Class begins September 18 This slow , gentle class will give guidance to find your own version of traditional yoga poses with the greatest of ease ! It will be paired with breathing to get rid of that stored stress . The last part of the class is dedicated to a meditation practice , Yoga Nidra , or yogic sleep , which tones your central nervous system . Leave stretched & refreshed , inside & out ! Come with an open heart and a yoga mat !


Sign up for your favorite class now or try something new !