For all the latest energy safety news visit www.esv.vic.gov.au
May 2014
energysafe issue 35
Victoria adopts
and AS/NZS5601.2:2013
By Enzo Alfonsetti, ESV’s Manager
Type A Gas Appliance Safety
AS/NZS5601.1:2013 and AS/NZS5601.2:2013
were adopted in Victoria on 31 March 2014.
AS/NZS 5601.1:2013 Gas Installations—
General Installations and AS/NZS 5601.2:2013 Gas
Installations—LP Gas Installations in caravans and
boats for non-propulsive purposes were published
by Standards Australia on 16 September 2013.
The Gas Safety (Gas Installation) Regulations
2008 have since been amended and, as a result,
AS/NZS5601.1:2013 and AS/NZS5601.2:2013
were adopted in Victoria from 31 March 2014.
There are a number of significant changes
between AS5601:2004 and the 2013 edition.
The standard now comes in two parts, with
part one including requirements for general gas
installations while part two specifically covers
LP Gas installations in caravans and boats for
non-propulsive purposes.
Each part is a standard in its own right
and hence a practitioner that works on LPG
installations for caravans and boats only requires
part two. Practitioners that do not do gasfitting
work in caravans and boats only require part one.
Part one changes include:
»» Requirements for press fit end connectors
have been introduced
»» Reversion fittings for the connection of
alternative proprietary multilayer piping
»» Rangehood clearances from domestic
cooking appliances are taken from the top
of the highest burner rathe "F