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May 2014
energysafe issue 35
Proposed new
rules for the
of Type A gas
By Jason Treseder, ESV Gas Engineer
Australia’s gas regulatory authorities,
including ESV, are proposing new rules
for certification bodies that will formalise
the common minimum certification
The proposed changes include a requirement
that all certified gas appliances be marked with
a common regulatory approval mark and the
introduction of a national gas product database
that would have a complete listing of all certified
gas products in one location.
There are currently four certification bodies
and each has its own independent certification
mark that is listed on their individual websites.
The proposed changes are designed to
ensure a consistent minimum level of safety
is maintained for all Type A gas appliances by
making the system clearer for gasfitters, appliance
suppliers and the public.
The certification process
All Type A gas appliances sold in Australia
are required to meet minimum levels of safety
and performance, which are set out in a range of
Australian standards.
Certification schemes ensure that all
appliances sold comply with these requirements
with a representative sample of a product
assessed against the requirements of the relevant
product standard.
Sign of the times: Proposed changes to gas certification would see all all certified appliances marked
with a common regulatory approval mark.
Under the certification scheme, appliances
are also subjected to regular audits that routinely
compare the products that are being sold to the
certified design to ensure the appliance has not
Once the appliance has successfully
undergone the certification process it is marked
with an approval badge. This badge is used by
members of the gas industry, as well as the public,
as evidence that the appliance has been certified
and thus can be legally sold and installed.
The appliance certification details are also
made available on a publicly searchable database
that can be checked to verify that the specified
model does have the appropriate approvals.
Up until a decade ago, all Type A gas
appliances were certified by a single organisation,
the Australian Gas Association, and most
gasfitters would be familiar with the AGA
certification badge.
In more recent times, the certification market
has expanded with new bodies joining the AGA
in developing certification schemes to cover gas
appliances. These organisations are SAI Global,
IAMPO and Global-Mark.
Each of the certification bodies is required
to operate the same general certification process
and ensure compliance through the same process
of testing and audit