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Autumn 2016
energysafe issue 43
World Plumbing
Day at PICAC
By Laurie Devitt, Gas Inspector
ESV shared the news about its new GasTrac
online application at the recent World
Plumbing Day event at PIumbing Industry
Climate Action Centre (PICAC) in Brunswick.
ESV inspectors explained the GasTrac
framework and its benefits, such as streamlining
the current application process and providing
progress reports to gasfitters.
Links will also be provided to ESV technical
information sheets specifically related to each gas
application. Attendees were very positive about
this project and are looking forward to its launch.
Now in its fifth year, the 2016 World Plumbing
Day event was a resounding success with
more than 450 people attending the Industry
Forum, the Trade Expo and the Apprentice Skills
World Plumbing Day (WPD) is an international
event held on 11 March each year. It was initiated
by the World Plumbing Council to unite the
plumbing industry and promote the important
ESV Gas Inspectors Laurie Devitt, Doug Rennie, Kevin Dwyer and Pat Farrell at World Plumbing Day.
role plumbing plays in ensuring everyday health,
safety and community sustainability.
ESV is a major sponsor of the local World
Plumbing Day activities and the theme of this
year’s event was Preparing for the future:
Technology, Skills and Environment.
A capacity crowd including plumbers,
apprentices, industry experts and representatives
from all over Australia filled the Great Hall
to listen to keynote speakers.