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Synopsis Essential resource for top-line data and analysis covering the United States energy consumption market . Includes market size and segmentation data , textual and graphical analysis of market growth trends , leading companies and macroeconomic information .
Key Highlights The energy consumption sector is defined as the energy consumption by industry , transport , residential , commercial , agricultural , and fishing consumers and markets .
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Volume is defined as consumption of mtoe ( million tonnes of oil equivalent ) of coal & coal gases ( including coal and peat ), oil & oil products ( including crude oil ), natural gas , biofuels and waste ( including biofuels and nuclear ), and electricity and heat ( including hydro , geothermal , solar , electricity , and heat ). Value is calculated by multiplying total consumption by average electricity prices . Any currency conversions calculated using constant 2015 annual average exchange rates . Oil & oil products has a dominant position in the US energy consumption sector , and this is likely to continue in the near future , as oil prices have fallen in the global market .
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Market value Market value forecast Market volume Market volume forecast Category segmentation Geography segmentation Market rivalry Market Overview Market definition Market analysis Market Data Market value Market volume Market Segmentation Category segmentation Geography segmentation Market Outlook
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