Energy Insider Summer Edition 2021 | Page 4

Renewable Diesel vs . Biodiesel

With the increased attention on global warming and greenhouse gas emissions , a greater focus has been put on clean , renewable fuels . If you follow the media , you may have heard about renewable diesel . Recent data show that increased use of both renewable diesel and the more familiar biofuel , biodiesel , significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions from transportation-related sources .
What is renewable diesel ?
Renewable diesel is chemically identical to conventional fossil diesel fuel but produced from 100 % renewable biomass feedstocks such as lipids ( including vegetable oils , animal fats , greases , and algae ) and cellulosic material ( such as crop residues , woody biomass , and dedicated energy crops ). It meets the same ASTM D975 specification as petroleum diesel . If there is a negative aspect to renewable diesel , it is cost . It still isn ’ t as economical as traditional fossil diesel fuel .
What is biodiesel ?
Biodiesel is also a biomass-based diesel fuel . Unlike renewable diesel , biodiesel is produced through a chemical process that converts fats and oils into fatty acid methyl esters called transesterification . Any feedstock or raw material that contains adequate fatty acids can be used to make biodiesel . Raw vegetable oils , used cooking oils , yellow grease , and animal fats are all used , with soybean oil being the most common . Biodiesel meets the ASTM specification ASTM D6751 and is approved for blending with petroleum distillate / diesel . small percentage of vehicles are electric , and it will likely stay that way for many years . The 2020 Annual Energy Outlook produced by the U . S . Government Energy Information Administration predicts gasoline and diesel consumption in the transportation sector will far exceed electricity at least through the year 2050 and later . While electricity is the fastest-growing energy source in the transportation sector at 7.4 % per year , it is projected that it will only represent 2 % of transportation fuel consumption .
Why should I care ?
Regardless of where one stands on the issue of global warming , there is no question that there are major local , regional , and national initiatives to reduce carbon emissions . Both biodiesel and renewable diesel are considered low carbon fuels and have been found to significantly reduce carbon emissions . Volumes of both appear to be on an upward trajectory , and renewable diesel will likely find its way to the Midwest soon . Look no further than your local FS Member Cooperative for the fuels and information you need .
Transportation sector consumption by fuel AEO2021 Reference case
What is their significance ?
Most tractors , buses , large trucks , and construction equipment are powered by diesel fuel . While it may seem that electric , battery-operated vehicles are what we frequently hear about , the facts are that a