Endocrine system may 2013 | Page 5


Definitions of the parts of the system

a) Hypothalamus: It is a tiny cluster of brain cells, and it is located above the pituitary gland.

b) Pituitary Gland: It is located in the center of the skull, and it is about the size of a pea.

c) Adrenal Gland: Each gland is perched on top of each of the kidneys, and they are about one to two inches in length.

d) Thymus gland: It is situated in the upper part of the chest, behind the breastbone, and it’s made up of two lobes, that join in front of the trachea.

e) Ovaries: It is a gland that just females have and they are a pair of oval glands that lie on either side of the uterus and just below the opening to the fallopian tubes.

f) Testes: It is a gland that just males possess and they are made up of two testicles, it has an outer layer of thin skin, over a layer of tissue that contains muscle.