Ending Hunger in America, 2014 Hunger Report Study Guide | Page 14

CHRISTIAN STUDY GUIDE – 2014 HUNGER REPORT SESSION 6: LEADERSHIP FOR HUNGER FREE COMMUNITIES a Public/Private System Is Our Nation’s Best Choice for Feeding the Hungry by Dave Miner on pages 124-125, and the third The Importance of a White House Summit to End Hunger by Rep. Jim McGovern on page 33. Have each group evaluate the specific suggestions offered in the piece they read. Then, on newsprint, make a list of the suggestions the groups find most helpful, leaving space between the suggestions. Under each suggestion, identify what leader(s) could help make it a reality. Put a check mark next to the suggestions that your group could help put in place. 2. Discuss as a group the most pressing need(s) for hungry people who live in or near your community. Now read Data Do-Gooders: A New Force in the Fight Against Hunger on pages 148-149. Make a list of the kinds of information or statistics that would help you persuade others that the need(s) you identified are important. Put a check mark next to the data that you believe are currently available and note where it can be found. Look at the items that remain. Who might be able to collect or access that information? The e-connect Courtesy of Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance Find the data table that lists U.S. poverty and hunger statistics by state in the Data page of www.hungerreport.org/data. What percent of people are food insecure in your state? Share the link to this table through your social networks (Facebook, Twitter, and/or others). Ask your friends and followers to explain whether and how hunger is tracked in their communities. www.bread.org/institute? ? 2014 Hunger Report? 185 n