Ending Hunger in America, 2014 Hunger Report Full Report | Page 14
In 2000, every country agreed to support the MDGs, which included cutting global hunger
and poverty rates in half. The poverty goal has already been met, and we could achieve the
hunger goal given a strong push in the time remaining before the MDGs expire. The United
States and other developed countries contributed to the success of the goals as donors, but
the MDGs did not call for donor nations to reduce hunger and poverty at home as it did for
developing countries.
The post-MDG goals should be
Figure ES.1 Average After-Tax Income by Income Group, 1979-2007
universal, calling on every country
to effectively end hunger and pov(in 2007 dollars)
erty. The momentum and sense of
purpose created by global progress
Top 1%
against hunger and poverty could
Top 5%
help to inspire hope for progress
Top 10%
in the United States. The improve$800,000
Top 20%
ments made under the MDGs
Fourth 20%
Middle 20%
are significant enough to give us
Second 20%
confidence that ending hunger by
Bottom 20%
2030 is an attainable goal. And
Americans rarely back down from
a challenge.
The 2014 Hunger Report, Ending
Source: Congressional Budget Office, Average Federal Taxes by Income Group. “Average AfterHunger in America, urges President
Tax Household Income,” June, 2010.
Obama and Congress to lead the
country in setting a goal to end hunger by 2030, and it offers a four-part plan to accomplish this:
1) a jobs agenda, 2) a stronger safety net, 3) human capital development, and 4) public-private
partnerships to support innovative community-led initiatives against hunger. The report also calls
on the U.S. government to support international efforts to end hunger and poverty worldwide.
A 25 Percent Reduction by 2017
The annual food security survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau is our measure of
how much hun