End-Point Assessment - Apprentice Guide | Page 20




You need to pass all three of the end-point assessment methods to pass: Online Test, Observation or Professional Discussion.

Do not worry if you fail one of your assessment methods. You will be given another opportunity to resit the part that you failed within 3 months. A resit does not require further learning.

Should you fail more than one of your assessment methods, a supportive action plan will be put into place by your employer/training provider to prepare you for your retake, which must be completed within 6 months.

Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations

Your employer/training provider will make us aware at Gateway of any reasonable adjustment requests to reduce the effect of a disability or health condition, which may place you at a disadvantage compared to others (e.g. dyslexia).

These are considered on a case-by-case basis and adjustments provided should mirror the types of reasonable adjustments and additional support that you will have received from your employer and/or training provider during their apprenticeship programme.

It is important that reasonable adjustments do not affect the reliability or validity of the assessment and they should not give you an advantage over other apprentices undertaking the same assessment.

Special considerations will take into account exceptional situations where the EPA outcome could have been materially affected by adverse circumstances beyond your control. These include for example:

·       An illness or accident/injury at the time of the assessment

·       Serious disturbance during an examination

·       Some other event outside of your control


CIRO has clear complaints and appeals policies. In the event that you wish to make a complaint or appeal an assessment decision, please contact our EPA team by e-mail on [email protected] and we will provide you with a copy of our policies and provide you with instructions you on what to do next.

Quality Assurance

It is important for you to know that to ensure the quality of the CIRO end-point assessment delivery we undertake rigorous Internal Quality Assurance checks.

You may meet one of our Internal Quality Assurance team, who will be checking that the CIRO invigilator and IRO independent assessor are conducting the end-point assessment in line with our policies and procedures. On these occasions, you will be informed before the start of your assessment.

In addition to our Internal Quality Assurance checks, we are also monitored by an External Quality Assurance Organisation, National Skills Academy for Rail (NSAR), who conduct additional checks on our EPA delivery.