[Encore] Millennial Business and Life Mastery Magazine - Barbados 002 [Encore] Millennial Mastery Business and Life Mast | Page 32

Top 30 Millennial Bajan Entrepreneurs Under 30 21 SINGER Amanda Reifer is a Singer in the wildly popular band Cov- er Drive and has recently embarked on a solo project. to our constant need for instant gratification and I think we sometimes lack the patience and perseverance of genera- tions before. Ideally we’ll get the balance right. 5.) Fun lightning round: Coke or Sprite - Coke Vanilla or Chocolate - Chocolate cake but vanilla ice- cream Hunter or Gatherer - Hunter Favourite Bajan sweet treat - Chocolate teatimes Facebook or Instagram. - Instagram 6.) What has your singing career taught you about life? Everything in God’s timing. 7.) What is the latest in your singing career? (What are you currently working on?) I’m always working on new music and visuals! Amanda Reifer 1.) Who is Amanda Reifer in business (describe)? I’m an independent recording artist and songwriter. I’m outspoken and direct with what I want and I am very clear on my vision. I write all of my songs, co-direct, edit and con- ceptualize all of my visuals. I love to collaborate with other creatives who understand my vision. 2.) What first inspired you to become a solo artist? The desire to step out of my comfort zone in order to grow. 3.) What are some of the best lessons you have learned about being an entrepreneur in Barbados? Just get to it! No one is going to do it for you. Stop waiting for things to be perfect, you have to start somewhere. 4.) What in your opinion are some of the main differences between Millennials and previous generations as it relates to doing business? We’re so lucky to have access to platforms which can help us build and spread our visions not only in Barbados and the Caribbean but around the world which previous gen- erations did not have access to. The flip to this is that it leads Millennial Business and Life Mastery Magazine 32