[Encore] Millennial Business and Life Mastery Magazine - Barbados 002 [Encore] Millennial Mastery Business and Life Mast | Page 24
Top 30 Millennial Bajan Entrepreneurs Under 30
them half way. Always cater to your clients needs first but
never settle or lower your value. There is a delicate balance
and this is often a skill in itself most entrepreneurs can only
gain through experience..
c) Be Prompt And Polite - It’s a cultural known norm in
Barbados that our Customer Service isn’t widely the best.
Throughout my own experiences, It has been used as a
learning benchmark of all the ways I wish to oppose to this
cultural norm and provide the best customer service possible
for our clients.
4.) What in your opinion are some of the main differences
between Millennials and previous generations as it relates to
I highly respect the opinions of those who have paved
similar paths before me and always take the opportunity to
learn everything I can from them. The main difference I would
say comes from the change of times. The methods of achiev-
ing and going about objectives are different as networking
opportunities and technology has vastly improved. There are
more ways of accomplishing goals in this modern age. In ad-
dition to that, I would say this generation is more open mind-
ed and adaptable than those of previous generations.
Damien ‘KeDrew’ Gooding
1.) Who is Damien in business (describe) ?
Respectful, Polite, Reliable and Friendly! I pride my-
self with encompassing these qualities both professionally
and personally as they go hand-in-hand as the core values
throughout my business, and by extension the persons sur-
rounding myself.
2.) What inspired you to first start KeDrew Inc.?
KeDrew Inc, first started out as just a hobby with my
love for photography and marketing at its early development
stages. At the time, persons who I sought were very talented
didn’t have access or the knowledge on how to expand their
opportunities. I was fortunate to be in a position to support
and mutually benefit by extending international and local re-
sources to achieve this which led to the first stepping stones
of forming the company.
5.) Fun lightning round:
Coke or Sprite, (Sprite)
Vanilla or Chocolate (Chocolate),
Hunter or Gatherer (Hunter),
Favourite Bajan sweet treat (Shirley Biscuits!),
Facebook or Instagram (Instagram)
6.) What has your business taught you about life?
Be Resilient. Things rarely work out the way you planned
and there will always be distractions and stumbling blocks
that you have to deal with when you are on your road to suc-
cess. The key point to remember is to persist and to develop
the courage to move on even when everyone around you is
telling you it is ok to give up. This does not mean stubbornly
holding on to your original plan but rather continuing to pur-
sue your goal as long as the reasons for doing so is still valid
(Make sure you know the “Why” of what you want, major key).
In addition to that, always protect your happiness and well-
ness at all costs. This lends to your overall health, wellness
and durability in business.
3.) What are some of the best lessons you have learned
about being an entrepreneur in Barbados?
a) Patience. Lots of patience is necessary. Its a given as
the old saying goes “good things take time” once you perse-
b) Don’t Settle - Be willing to work with people and meet
Millennial Business and Life Mastery Magazine