Enchantment Desert Magazine October 2016 | Page 22



"one womans journey to

stand up for what's right"

I am a blessed mother of two. My daughter is 18; son is 14. They are the greatest kids ever. My daughter is a mini me. My son is very protective of his sister and mommy. Both of them are into martial arts. Our weeknights consist of charity events, conditioning classes and homework. We are busy with tournaments at least once a month. We are always on the go go go.

I started off getting my Associates degree in social work many moons ago. Upon completion of my internship with CYFD and APS I decided I was not staying in this field as I couldn't remain objective. I became so angry to see the abuse of children and the elderly. During my attending community college I was a substitute teacher in the public schools. I also taught Life Skills and Violence Prevention through a non-profit organization. I also worked as a CO in a juvenile detention center for a period of three years. I enjoyed that job immensely except for the sixteen hour days due to the shortage of staff. I enjoy my job as a Victim's Advocate.