Enchantment Desert Magazine July patriotic pinup issue | Page 26


In 2014, I decided I wanted to get on stage. At that point I was 150 lbs. down from 170 lbs. But mentally emofionally and physically I was not ready for what it takes to be on stage. I sfill had some work to do in my personal life before I could focus on compefing.

In September 2015, I knew I was mentally ready for this journey. At this point I was down to 140 lbs. and by January, I was down to 125 lbs. Then I met Isaac Velarde a nutrifionist. Isaac had been on the same weight loss journey a few years before me, losing 150 lbs. There was no one who understood the journey be5er than him. Isaac worked hard and closely with me to get me to my first compefifion. He too told me if I was not going to take this seriously and put my heart into it he wouldn’t work with me.

Aher a few weeks he knew I had it in me. He saw my focus, drive and motivation.