Encaustic Arts Magazine Winter 2013 | Page 6

Encaustic Arts Magazine is a digital magazine , published semi-annually by the Encaustic Art Institute in Santa Fe , New Mexico . The magazine is published online in December and June . This is our 6th issue .
The link to subscribe to the current issue will be posted on our website as each new issue becomes available . You may use the link anytime to re-access the magazine after you ’ ve subscribed . The link will be posted there until the Spring 2014 issue comes out on June 1 , when the link will be posted here . Click here for detailed information on subscribing , re-accessing , and viewing the magazine .
We continue to offer free access to back issues of the magazine from the Premiere ( S2011 ) issue through the Spring 2016 issue . Click here to read them .
A new feature we are offering to our readers is the option to purchase hard copies of select back issues of the magazine . You ’ ll find details and information here .