Willow Bader
Quebrada, Amague, Abraso
This is an experiment with hinging three different size paintings
together to make a more of a three dimensional presentation. It also
has sequence – dance moves in progression. Now I want to paint
something like it – only much, much bigger. Perhaps as a standing
Quebrada, Amague, Abraso,
Encaustic hinged triptych on wood
panel, 20”X41” 2009.
Parejas- Partners In Tango, Encaustic on wood panel, 16”X53” 2010.
Parejas—Partners In Tango
Tango friends posed for this painting. She was nude from the waist up, but you can’t tell. Oh, well, nevermind
nude tango. It is a sequence of images telling a story about an intense relationship. I also tried for
the first time to paint a “frame” around each of the images.